YouTube Inspiration
(In alphabetical order)
Ahh, the Tubes of You! When it comes to dice there aren’t a huge number of makers doing videos, however there are plenty of others that give loads of information on resin craft and mould making. These are a few of our favourites!
Dice Druid
Dice Druid does incredible dice- pouring tutorials and runs one of the only brick-and-mortar dice stores!
Dreamy Dice
Dreamy Dice does fabulous tutorials and great short videos. If you want to see some of the best geode-style dice, this is the place to go. Every single video is better than the last, and I get excited when I see a new one online.
Evan and Katelyn
Some of the best and most contagious makers on YouTube. You can’t help but love their enthusiasm and make, fail, make approach! Great resin videos. One of my favourite channels on all of Youtube!
Faux Hammer
Faux Hammer does a mix of miniature painting tutorials and printer and resin reviews. A great resource for miniature lovers and dice printers alike!
This guy makes the best dice making videos. He’s the O.G. that all dice makers refer to online. Start at his early videos and keep going to understand how dice making has evolved.
Robert Tolone
Robert is an expert on silicone moulds and resin casting. My wife and I love his calm manner and approach to things – he’s a bit like the Bob Ross of resin casting!
Not only do SmoothOn make fantastic silicone, but they also make great mould-making videos!
The Crafts Man Steady Craftin'
Go for the resin tips, stay for the feels! TheCraftsMan is a staple in the maker scene making beautiful handmade toys, animations, music and pretty much anything!
Biff! Pow! Zap! VogMan reviews resin printers, makes awesome videos on lost-wax casting and moulding, and does some great tutorials on 3D modelling, too.
(In alphabetical order)
Yes, Reddit can be a dark and scary place, but the dice making communities here are amazing! If you’re looking for tips, advice or somewhere to show off your projects, this is your place.
Our own subreddit to discuss the book, ask questions and share tips and tricks!
This subreddit is a wealth of information and a great help in times of frustration!
Don’t let the name fool you; this subreddit is 100% SFW (Suitable For Work) – beautiful dice inspired by talented makers and collectors.
Another great resource on Reddit – don’t ask about dice, or they’ll send you to DiceMaking!
(In alphabetical order)
At some point, you may want to consider making your own master dice.. this is what we use.
Autodesk Fusion (Formerly Fusion360)
I have a soft spot for this modelling software, even if cheaper ones are available! All our products are designed with this.
DiceGen (Web App)
An online, open-source dice generator – select your font, add any SVG files for logos, and download them to STL. Great app – but seems to be abandoned.
DiceMaker (Windows)
This is a Windows application for generating dice masters. It has many great features, though it would be good to see a Mac version!
Lychee Slicer
I spent a fair bit of time with Chitubox (also good), but I find Lychee supports much better for dice making.
Products We Love
(In alphabetical order)
Note: We do not recommend specific resins or silicones. Please avoid ebay etc and find a local silicone/resin supply store. They’re experts and the relationship you build with them may be crucial to your success!!
Couture Creations
Beautiful alcohol inks and glitter inks with amazing colour choices. Enough said!
Pearl Ex Powdered Pigments
They have vibrant colours and come in great selection packs to get you started.
Piñata Inks
Rich, vibrant inks and their Blanco Blanco white is indispensable!
Ranger Ink
Another great supplier of quality alcohol inks.
Just Resin Pigment Paste
Super dense and super-colourful, many dice makers agree their pigment pastes are incredible!
3M Perfect-it Machine Polish Compound
Perfect-it Polishing compounds are amazing. If you're finishing your dice with a dremel, stage 1,2 & 3 compound are the best possible combination.
3M Tri-M-Ite Lapping Paper
3M Tri-M-Ite paper is the gold standard of polishing papers for dice. They're sold in the US by Zona Tools and often called Zona Paper. They come in 6 colors with grit from 50 to 1 micron.
Dremel Rotary Tools
What's to say, it's the world's best rotary tool with attachments for pretty much everything! Great for polishing and sanding!
Zona Tools
Many dice makers refer to this as 'Zona Paper'. However, they're the US distributor for 3M Tri-M-Ite Lapping Paper
Acrylic Paint
Mont Marte Acrylic Paints
They are super thick paints with great, dense colours.
These are the go-to for many miniature painters and also make great inks for the numbers on your dice!
Supply Stores
Barnes (Australia)
Australian store for all things casting and moulding. Their Epoxycast and Clariti resins are the go-to for many dice makers in Australia!
Moulds & Masters
(In alphabetical order)
They say the fool buys twice. Do yourself a favour and avoid buying your first moulds from Amazon/Temu/Wish/Shein etc. Many makers tend to start here and regret it almost immediately - both in terms of quality and ease of use. Opt for a quality mould made by a reputable maker. It’ll save you more money in the long run!
Clerics Components
Expertly printed master dice and inclusions out of Canada.
Expert dice moulds made in Australia. Cameron knows his stuff and the moulds are well loved on Etsy and by the dice community.
Nanolab Maker
Unique and professionally made dice moulds in the USA.
Dice Makers We Love
(In alphabetical order)
It’s hard building a list like this! Pretty much every dice maker is on our list of dice makers we love. These are the ones that get us excited when they come up on our insta feeds!
Arty Laboratory
Some of the most beautiful floral dice I’ve seen.
Chicken Wizard Dice
Probably makes the most incredible petri dice ever.
Chorts Horde
Chort Horde may well make some of the most spectacular dice I’ve ever seen. Enough said. Check them out.
Color Spray Creations
Some of the most beautiful dirty pour dice and inserts I’ve seen.
Critical Miss Dice
Not only do they make incredible liquid core, but they may also well be the world’s foremost expert on the topic!
Cumulus Dice
Beautiful, squishy, silicone dice!
Cypress Dice
Talented maker of gorgeous petri dice and swirling portals.
Delvewood Dice
Makes beautiful wood, resin and mixed-media dice.
Devoured Dice
Aussie dice smith specialising in smoky dice. So smoky and so incredible.
Dice of the Seeker
Talented UK artist making unique creations out of resin and jesmonite.
Dice Witchery
Gorgeous inclusions and geodes.
Direfox Dice
Incredibly talented Australian artist. From prehistoric fossil dice to eldritch tendrils.
I’m in love with the black-hole dice and the shimmering portals. Don’t forget the underscore at the end!
Fighting Chance Studio
More than just ceramic dice, these ceramic art pieces are family heirlooms.
Gorgeous Barbarian
Lithuanian maker specialising in handmade artifacts, terrain and dice.
Hedron Rockworks
Hand-made, hand-carved gemstone dice. Absolutely breathtaking!
Infernal Foundry
Amazing necromancer and hellfire style dice! This is one maker to keep your eye on.
Level Up Dice
People line up for ages to buy these dice at conventions. And the reason is that they’re gorgeous. So many amazing semi-precious stones!
Talented Melbourne dice, mould maker and 3D printer.
Moonshine Dice
Australian dice maker doing incredible inserts, geodes and floral dice sets.
Norse Foundary Dice
Lots of beautiful dice sets including some really unique wood sets.
The Reliable Rogue
I love the theme of feathers, scrolls and music throughout their dice!
The Twilight Grove
Amazing dice and candles. What's not to love!?!
Transmutation Dice
I had no idea how much I LOVED stained glass dice until I saw this maker.
Talented designer, artist, jewellery- maker, and “Enchanter of Polyhedral Phylacteries”. Don’t forget the underscores – “_yaniir_”.